

Since I am very conscientious about keeping my appointments and I always arrive on time for everything, let's choose a time that works for us both. Access this year to video-conferencing technologies and internet platforms creates the opportunity for virtual meetings whenever we have too much on our plate or when geographically we are too far from each other. We can increase the level of efficiency and convenience in our relationship through the use of technology to our advantage to maximize the time that we do have with each other to handle our shared responsibilities. Let's just agree on a convenient meeting time for each of us and allow for productive dialogue.

Activities that I do everyday...

Currently doing these...

AT work

Below is the calendar indicating my regular night shifts, which shall be adjusted according to my client's time zone. Flexibility is the bedrock of job advancement! I squeeze in some time to join various performances here in Metro Manila besides work, for it shall fuel my passion for acting within the community's entertainment scene. Difficulties in discovering new roads!

On work ethics and morals, I take criticisms as boosts to improve more and strive more in doing better on all of my capabilities. Resilience is my strength since I bounce back fast on setbacks; I also hold on to my positive self-perception and my propensity always to want to get better. My strength lies in working in groups and always taking time out to help those in need!

For THE family

We have weekly video calls with the special days of any person's life, like their birthdays, anniversaries, or other important family celebrations. These online gatherings, therefore, are traditions we grew to love, each one celebrating the major events in life. Warmth, love, and sure laughter were infused into every gathering because of our celebration of each other's successes and joys—from energetic birthday celebrations to tender anniversaries.

We take great pride in being Filipino and retain some of the most endearing family traditions, such as sharing meals and regularly getting together. These practices strengthen family bonds and serve as daily reminders of where we stand in regard to our cultural identity and what, as a people, we stand for. Such opportunities for bonding or reunification—through food in the traditional Filipino style or simply by lively conversation about the common experiences that make up Filipino life—foster a sense of togetherness across borders.

Family bonds are, in my view, an essence of one's resilience and wellbeing. Our family has been our support and cheer when we are elated and our comfort and strength at times of miseries. We continue to hold dear these relations by holding weekly get-togethers and upholding a number of the treasured customs so that our family remains a fountain of love, support, and resiliency to the generations yet to come.






"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly, etc. Specialization is only for insects." Robert Heinlein